Friday, September 11, 2009

Don't Be Sexist Let Her Compete

Well the gender news is out and Caster Semenya is a man. Well not exactly the total truth. Turns out she is a hermaphrodite. The third sex, the unknown sex, the sex that is well not exactly black and white but comes equipped with characteristics of both sex. The main issue is Semenya has high very high testosterone levels for a woman giving her a her a decided advantage in track and field.

This is a confusing story because the Track and Field association cannot strip her of her medals because she wasn't lying or trying to get anything over on them. On the flip side this is great news because we will not have to hear and read about all the stories about how women can compete with men in sports. Here you go sister, Caster is half a man if you can beat her you can than start working your way up to competing with men in sports. I say let Semenya run with the women. He/She cannot compete with the men and it's not quite fair to not allow her to compete at all.

There is some weird precedence to this issue. Michelle Wie wants to play with the men and in 2002 feminist Martha Burk made a big stink with Hootie Johnson to allow women into the all-male membership club. I think it is time for Ms. Burk to step up to the plate and welcome Mr./Miss Semenya to the world of women's track and field. For all of those years of women trying to penetrate the world of men's clubs, sports, etc. well now isn't this interesting. Are women going to roll out the red carpet for half of their own or will they turn into sexist piglettes?

Either way I am looking forward to this debacle! Caster might be the best thing for sports because he/she is a go between and gives women the opportunity to beat a half of man. This way they don't have to go all the way in competing with men like Michelle Wie is woefully trying to attempt these days.