Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sexual Assault

One of the greatest shams of being a public personality like two time Super Bowl winning quarterback who most recently engineered a two minute drill to perfection in winning this past year's bowl is being accused of a crime and being subjected to the humiliation of public opinion. It has always been my belief that one is innocent until proven guilty or at least that is what our hypocritical society and leaders teach the sheep.

Recently Ben Roethlisberger has been accused of sexual assault. What we do not know is the alleged victim could be an upset Browns fan or Cardinal fan that thinks this is the way to get revenge on her team losing. It's fanaticism and it happens as people have been known to get a bit more violent with their team loyalties as exemplified by soccer hooligans and the not-so-kind gentleman who stabbed pro tennis star of yesteryear Monica Seles during a match because she was getting too good and beating his beloved Steffi Graf. Outrageous but it happens.

Furthermore we could just have a case of a scorned woman who wants to have a serious relationship with Big Ben but the young man was more interested in a night of pleasuable exchanges with his female companion and she didn't feel the same way and is now crying to the police for revenge. Maybe we have a case of a "gold digger" who is trying to chase down the riches of Ben's wealth.

There are so many possible scenarios and no truth to any sort of "sexual assault" activity because nothing has been in court yet. No evidence has been submitted and cross examined. No witness have testified or been cross examined. The prosecution has already leaked out the story to the public in hopes of getting an eventual settlement or prosecution win by rallying public opinion against a well paid athlete who most of society envies and only Steeler fans are wholeheartedly ready to protect.

Should this case go to trial how is one to expect "Big Ben" to get a fair trial? News has leaked and no doubt there will be potential jurors on the case that have knowledge of this story considering we are talking about a two time Super Bowl winning quarterback who cannot escape the public eye. The prosecution or police leaking this story to the media should be subjected to a backlash for their routine abuse of the letter of the law yet they are protected by recent laws that place their actions above the law. The prosecutors and police show no objectivity and are strictly focues on furthering their careers at the cost of incriminating others with no regards for innocene. In all fairness to both the defendent and the victim it's humiliating to be involved in this type of news and it jades the possibility of a fair trial.

It would be nice if there were one politician who is an actual leader that would get the balls to start enforcing the law that prohibits the leaking of information on alleged misdemeanors and felonies until they have been fairly examined in a court of law.


  1. This is a civil complaint, the authorities announced they are not investigating this as a crime. So I guess it's legal to leak details etc. The funniest part of this to me is what a loser Big Ben is. Famous athlete can't even score ho's in Nevada, what a zero in life.

  2. Young, dumb and full of cum. Not really sure what the entire story is about I only saw the bit about sexual assault and just an accusation like that in the press is bad for the image. Heck betting has been up on the Ravens since that news which leads me to believe that not a lot of people believe in Brady making a comeback or the Pats are just too old. Also no love for the Colts without Dungy or the Chargers in what appears to be the downside of LT's career. No respect for Phillip Rivers.
